My Top 12

Produce 48 is like the most popular show nowadays. The Produce 101 last 2 seasons were already popular, so it's kinda weird if Produce 48 didn't have much viewer. Even though I think out of the 3 seasons combined, this season is the least popular one (because of the AKB48 controversy). I enjoy watching this season. This season is not as entertaining as the 2nd season, but at least there's not much drama like the 1st season. Also I think the girls in this season is a whole lot prettier than the first season, it's crazy, almost every single person in this season is pretty ._. But it's sad tho that I find the girls in this season is not as talented as the 1st one. In the 1st season they have Yoo Yeonjung as their best singer, in this season there are several people that can hit high note, but it's not as good as Yeonjung, BUT this season has A BUNCH of good dancers. Well, that's my opinion on the show. Now I want to share my top 12 for this sea...