
Showing posts from 2018

[RANKING] Produce48 2nd Evaluation Concept Performance (Dance)

And now it's for the dance team. Well, without another blablabla let's get to the list! 5. Little Mix - Touch Other than Hitomi and Bae Eunyong, they did so-so. It's understandable because no one in the group has ever choreograph before, but can they at least put some power in their dance? The first place, Kim Minju, didn't even try, she got the first place because she's pretty. The center is not even memorable. 4. Ariana Grande - Side to Side Maybe my expectation for this team is too high, but I'm disappointed in their performance. Their dance was so-so, it was so predictable, when I know that Wang Yiren is in this team, I'm 100% sure that she will do some acrobatic moves. The center is invisible, I feel like it's Lee Kaeun, Jang Won Young or Shiroma Miru is the center. BUT Miru really killed it! Her dancing is maybe not that good but her stage presence is undeniably strong and THAT EXPRESSIONS THO! There are some "controversies...

[RANKING] Produce48 2nd Evaluation Concept Performance (Vocal & Rap)

Now I'm going to share about my opinion on Produce48's trainees 2nd Evaluation Concept Performance, the only difference is I'm going to rank the performance from the worst to the best. So, here they are: 6. BLACKPINK - Ddu Du Ddu Du Well, I think in this performance the Japanese trainees did better than the Korean ones. This arrangement is a mess, the choreography was unnecessary, their outfits look like a secondhand clothes, and their rappers... well I mean only the blonde one (sorry I forgot her name) did horrible. Kim Doa really fitting as the center, she's so pretty! But in this performance her rap is cringy ._. And why is BLACKPINK's song always rearranged with rock genre in Produce? 5. Wanna One - Energetic I always think that their vocals will be better if Na Goeun is the center. I mean, Yuri's first high note is unstable, but her 2nd one is awesome. And I don't really like the arrangement, it sounds like a karaoke song ._. The arran...

[LIST] Produce48 1st Evaluation Concept Performance

I know that it's kinda late, but I still want to share the opinion on Produce48's 1st Concept Evaluation Performance. I will remind you that I will share my opinion on which team is the best performer. So without further ado, let's jump into it! 1. GFriend - Love Whisper Well, for me both team did a mediocore job. But, it's not easy dancing that hard and singing live. Team 1.. they are better dancers for sure and they get the "powerful" concept, but that's it. Their performance is not memorable, and those vocals..... and I'm still salty why MNet gave the girls ugly ass outfit -_- Meanwhile Team 2 dance's are not good enough, but their vocals are a lot better and they have the innocent charm on them (even though some of the members did overdo it a bit). Yabuki Nako and her high notes win the audiences heart. Which team is better: for me, Team 2 did a better job. 2.  Red Velvet - Peek a Boo I have a completely different opinion for...

My Top 12

Produce 48 is like the most popular show nowadays. The Produce 101 last 2 seasons were already popular, so it's kinda weird if Produce 48 didn't have much viewer. Even though I think out of the 3 seasons combined, this season is the least popular one (because of the AKB48 controversy). I enjoy watching this season. This season is not as entertaining as the 2nd season, but at least there's not much drama like the 1st season. Also I think the girls in this season is a whole lot prettier than the first season, it's crazy, almost every single person in this season is pretty ._. But it's sad tho that I find the girls in this season is not as talented as the 1st one. In the 1st season they have Yoo Yeonjung as their best singer, in this season there are several people that can hit high note, but it's not as good as Yeonjung, BUT this season has A BUNCH of good dancers. Well, that's my opinion on the show. Now I want to share my top 12 for this sea...