On Thursday, me and my friend watch "SPLIT". Ever since the trailer came out, I got so curious about this movie because well, it's a movie starring James McAvoy. And after I watch the movie, I'm not disappointed. So... here's the movie review! THE STORY LINE *WARNING SPOILER ALERT* The story was actually pretty simple. Kevin has 23 personalities in his body and the 24th is about to come out, and the 24th turns out to be "the beast" because he's super strong and he eats human's flesh. So, because of that Dennis (one of Kevin's personality) decided to kidnap 3 high school girls to feed them to the beast because Dennis, Patricia, and Hedwig believe that the beast will finally come out. The other 20 personalities tried to warn Dr. Fletcher (Betty Buckley) by sending an e-mail (via Barry's (still one of Kevin's personality) e-mail). The e-mail always contains the same thing like "We need you. Urgent." and somethin...