[MOVIE REVIEW] Hyung/My Annoying Brother (SPOILER ALERT)

Exactly a month ago, I watched 'Hyung' in a local cinema with my friend. At first we thought that the movie will aired on 7th December 2016, but it was actually aired on 21st December 2016 and because my friend works on weekdays, we watched it on the 24th. After I saw the movie I thought that it will be fun to make a movie review here, but because I was busy and on New Year's Eve I was sick for a week, so today is finally the day that I can make the review! Let's just get into it! MOVIE PLOT *MAJOR SPOILER ALERT* Hyung in Indonesia was titled 'My Annoying Brother' and the story is exactly the same as the title. Go Doo Sik asked for parlor from prison because he wanted to "take care" of his now blind younger brother, the National Judo Athlete Go Doo Young. Well, being an annoying brother he was, he came home only to "rest" from prison. He didn't take care of Doo Young like he promised to and he even scammed D...